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[Campus-columbia-staff] logistics for open source event

Shauna Gordon-McKeon shaunagm at
Thu Mar 14 02:31:05 UTC 2013

> We're hosting this on a weekend and Columbia rents out much of it's
> community space on the weekends on the order $200+ per hour so I think the
> CS lounge is the best fit space wise. Enough of the attendees will have
> swipe access we can put someone on call for the event to let people and put
> her phone number up on the the doors.

I'm assuming to have access one just needs to have a Columbia ID card - not
a CS-specific ID card?

If so, that would mean the main hurdle would be access for our
volunteers/staff.  We can do our best to get staff to arrive on time so
that swiping people in is not much of a hassle.  And yes, having a specific
designation swiping person will be useful.

Is entering the building entirely automated or would it be possible to
create some sort of guest list for our volunteers?  This has worked for us

> Regarding the dates, sorry about the confusion there. I've asked Melanie
> to try to book the CS lounge for us on Saturday the 27th because we'll get
> better turn out on Saturday than Sunday. If Saturday is already taken,
> we'll look into Sunday.

Sounds great.

- shauna
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