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[WFS-India] Suggestion for re-modelling of the mailing list rules

A. Mani a.mani.cms at
Fri Jun 21 15:45:23 UTC 2013

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Kaustav Das Modak
<kaustav at> wrote:
> On Friday 21 June 2013 08:53 PM, A. Mani wrote:
>> Combined Reply:
>> 0. We are keeping all discussions open.
>> So women's issues will definitely and have got into our discussions all
>> through.
>> In fact many of our IRC logs and previous ones are full of that.
>> Am I the only one taking initiative?
>> No. Yes I do have more radical plans in extending FOSS to new networks
>> of people.
> I don't think anyone so far has shown any objections to discussing Women's
> issues in general, so far as they relate to FOSS or commons. What are the
> target groups that you are aiming to reach out to?

IDG version restricts discussions to "foss only" and that is why the
point was raised.
For making it more welcoming, we allow women's issues explicitly.

Generally even educated women will not speak out their problems/issues
because of social conditioning.

>> But, when it comes to mailing lists, we are talking about what we can
>> discuss not plans. It should be in accordance with our mission and
>> goals.
> I haven't found any document on the mission and goal of this group. Was it
> on the old website? If yes, can you please provide me the link? It needs to
> be uploaded on the new website as well.
> Without a mission and goals document, it gets pretty tough to follow them.

There are few lines in the front page of our website.
I read them :)


A. Mani

A. Mani

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