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[WFS-India] [Gnu-linux-discussion] [X] Courses under CCSA

A. Mani a.mani.cms at
Sat Jul 13 21:35:17 UTC 2013

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 8:53 AM, satyaakam goswami <satyaakam at> wrote:
> What is ok and what is not ok ?
> like lets say for example in this case and many other cases some propriety
> software  based companies funds Free Software Work should we accept this
> money and work  or say no thank you we will rather die hungry rather than
> get paid for the free software work from you .
> again remember money has no color and many of us are in different stages of
> there own life so this money does pay there bills and support families .
> there are more questions on the security kinds of things where in there is
> a thin line between what you can or cannot or should be doing
> there are some ethics i have read like
> What are your opinions about it ?

If the licenses are fine and software/work is free as in freedom then
it is fine provided the work is not against the interests of the free
software movement and human values. Funds can be accepted from anybody
provided there are no strings attached in the context mentioned.

We must always be cautious about hidden motives and ensure that valid
rights are not compromised.

Generally accepting advts or sponsorships without strings attached is
not a big problem.

Problematic areas can be "porting free software to proprietary OS",
"education portals with vested interests", "Free News portal with paid
agents", "Surveillance", etc. is better than as far as commitment to
open access is concerned. They are not well designed though.


A. Mani

A. Mani

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