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[WFS-India] [Gnu-linux-discussion] [X] Courses under CCSA

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at
Sat Jul 13 03:23:13 UTC 2013

> It says CC share alike with attrition in subject line.

CC is ok what caught my eye was the funded by "Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation " ? also was checking on<>
again is being funded by
by similar sounding people :-)

the bigger question coming to my mind is what are the ethics we are talking
about in "Free Software World" ?

What is ok and what is not ok ?

like lets say for example in this case and many other cases some propriety
software  based companies funds Free Software Work should we accept this
money and work  or say no thank you we will rather die hungry rather than
get paid for the free software work from you .

again remember money has no color and many of us are in different stages of
there own life so this money does pay there bills and support families .

there are more questions on the security kinds of things where in there is
a thin line between what you can or cannot or should be doing

there are some ethics i have read like

What are your opinions about it ?

-Satya <> | |
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