[OH-Publicity] PyCon 2015 - Print Program Deadline - OpenHatch - February 2nd
Shauna Gordon-McKeon
shaunagm at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 22:04:29 UTC 2015
We can go ahead and use this for now, but we should have a discussion about
what our default logo should be in situations like this. I've expressed my
dissatisfaction with the "two circle" logo before, but can do so again if
people would like details. Even if it didn't have those issues, I feel we
ought to use the penguin logo wherever possible, as thanks to Karen's hard
work it is both recognizable and affection-inducing. Uncountable people
have asked me for Sufjan stickers, including folks who know nothing about
FOSS. Unsurprisingly, I've never had anyone ask me for a sticker of the
two circle logo.
On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 4:39 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at gmail.com>
> Is there a reason we're using this logo instead of the
> clearly-superior-in-every-way Sufjan logo?
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Asheesh Laroia <asheesh at asheesh.org>
> wrote:
>> Yes!
>> https://openhatch.org/wiki/Logo
>> Let's use the first logo. PNG at
>> https://openhatch.org/wiki/File:Openhatch-logo.png ; the Illustrator
>> files are also available.
>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Can anyone help with this? Say, whoever handled this last year? Today
>>> is the deadline, otherwise we won't have our logo in whatever it is our
>>> logo is supposed to go in.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Shauna Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at gmail.com>
>>> Date: Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 5:15 PM
>>> Subject: Fwd: PyCon 2015 - Print Program Deadline - OpenHatch - February
>>> 2nd
>>> To: OpenHatch Board <board at lists.openhatch.org>, "Publicity for
>>> OpenHatchy events, projects, and the site itself" <
>>> publicity at lists.openhatch.org>
>>> Hi folks!
>>> Looking for "advertisement, company description, print quality logo" to
>>> provide to PyCon. Presumably we provided these last year... does anyone
>>> have that material? Asheesh, Karen, Deb?
>>> - Shauna
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: <pycon-sponsors at python.org>
>>> Date: Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 5:08 PM
>>> Subject: PyCon 2015 - Print Program Deadline - OpenHatch - February 2nd
>>> To: shaunagm at gmail.com
>>> Cc: pycon-sponsors at python.org
>>> Hello Sponsors:
>>> Happy New Year!
>>> The next thing we need from you is your print program content:
>>> advertisement
>>> company description
>>> print quality logo
>>> *** The due date for print program items is Monday, February 2nd ***
>>> PyCon Dashboard:
>>> You can upload your print program content via your PyCon dashboard, or
>>> email program content to pycon-sponsors at python.org, and we will update
>>> it for you.
>>> https://us.pycon.org/2015/dashboard/
>>> Advertisement & Print Quality Logo:
>>> Please see the following link for more information about the acceptable
>>> ad formats. We will also need a print quality version of your company logo.
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ld4v48p81v6gqpm/PyConUS_ad_guide.pdf
>>> -Keystone: 2 page full page color ad
>>> -Diamond: 2 page full page color ad
>>> -Financial Aid & Coffee: full page color ad
>>> -Platinum: full page color ad
>>> -Captioning: full page color ad
>>> -Gold: 1/3 page horizontal color ad
>>> -Silver: 1/6 page vertical color ad
>>> Print Description:
>>> Note that this is different from your "Company Description" which is
>>> only used online. We have gone through all of your sponsorship accounts,
>>> and if your current "Company Description" was short enough to fit into the
>>> "Print Description" field, we have copied it over for you. Please make sure
>>> that you're happy with the "Print Description" entered.
>>> -Keystone: 250 words max
>>> -Diamond: 200 words max
>>> -Financial Aid & Coffee: 200 words max
>>> -Platinum: 150 words max
>>> -Captioning: 150 words max
>>> -Gold: 100 words max
>>> -Silver: 50 words max
>>> More information:
>>> Additional sponsor information, including expo hall and shipping
>>> information, can be found online here:
>>> https://us.pycon.org/2015/sponsors/information/
>>> Sponsor Registration:
>>> Make sure to register for the conference this month, as PyCon sells out
>>> each year. You have been sent promo codes for registration unless you just
>>> recently signed up.
>>> https://us.pycon.org/2015/registration/
>>> Job Listings:
>>> From your sponsorship dashboard, you also have the option of adding any
>>> job postings you are currently trying to fill (use the field: "Listing on
>>> Jobs Fair”). Those job postings will show up here:
>>> https://us.pycon.org/2015/sponsors/jobs/
>>> Sponsor Workshops:
>>> Sponsors have the option of giving a 1.5 hour workshop on April 8th or
>>> 9th during the PyCon tutorials. The cost for a sponsor workshop is $3,750.
>>> The workshops are for free for attendees, and PyCon will provide lunch and
>>> coffee breaks. Please let us know soon if you’re interested in hosting a
>>> workshop, as we will be announcing the sponsor workshops in February.
>>> https://us.pycon.org/2015/schedule/sponsor-tutorials/
>>> PyLadies Auction:
>>> Each year we hold an auction on Saturday evening during PyCon benefiting
>>> PyLadies. It’s great fun and we encourage you to join us! Last year our
>>> sponsors contributed original artwork, bicycles, tech gadgets, and much
>>> more. It's a great opportunity to get your name out there as a company that
>>> supports women in computing.
>>> https://us.pycon.org/2015/sponsors/charityauction/
>>> Questions:
>>> Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have.
>>> pycon-sponsors at python.org
>>> See you in April! Thanks again for sponsoring PyCon!
>>> Brandon Rhodes
>>> PyCon Co-Chair
>>> Ewa Jodlowska
>>> Event Coordinator
>>> PS: Here's a link to a draft version of last year's PyCon print program
>>> to give you a better idea of how your print program content will be
>>> displayed. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing this file.
>>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1GXlp3hCr5mZjkxZ0dLVC0wSTQ/view?usp=sharing
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