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[Ccsf-campus-staff] Moving forward with CCSF Workshop

Katherine Moloney kmoloney at
Tue May 21 20:16:54 UTC 2013


I too commit to being in better communication.

I've shared the Google registration form that I've created with
asheesh at -- are there other emails that I should share edit
rights to this document with?

...I added a few questions on to your basic survey as:

   - I want to get ahead of users with the Windows operating system, users
   who don't yet have all the necessary tools installed on their laptops to
   start hacking.  Since the day isn't as long as I'd like, I want to help
   folks get as much pre-installation done beforehand.
   - I figured information on the languages they'll be programming in will
   help us find some appropriate bugs

So far, I've emailed our CS faculty to pass this opportunity along to their
students.  The announcement only includes the date and location, but no
time or agenda.  Earlier (like April 3-30), I emailed our CS club (CCSF
Coders) and our Women In Science & Engineering club (W.I.S.E.) via their
respective Google Groups about the possibility of this workshop, including
the Sat June 29th date.  Will do follow up once page/schedule published on
OpenHatch website.  (Saving this discussion for the separate "Schedule"
thread that Asheesh mentioned.)

An additional recruiting stream are the summer CS classes, which start
Monday June 10th: intention with this pool is to advertise to those who have had prior
programming experience, not to those who have only had 1 week (though I
wouldn't mind if any of that population wanted to come shadow, just we
can't get them up to coding with no experience).  Your thoughts on this?

Since we're a Java-heavy school (and I imagine we might not be the only
one), I'll be forwarding you an email from John Sichi (, one of our previous speakers who maintains
the JGraphT project that might have appropriately scoped Java bugs, plus he
might be able to come that day.  See additional email shortly (to
hello at email only...since John won't be an organizer, just a
bug provider and possibly a panelist).

Haven't identified another CCSF co-organizer yet, but will by the end of
the week.


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