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[Campus-columbia-staff] logistics for open source event

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at
Tue Apr 2 03:06:05 UTC 2013

On Sat, 30 Mar 2013, Jonah Bossewitch wrote:

> Hi Everyone!
> Yes, its definitely harder than it should be to get space on campus.  In 
> my experience, its easier for students than officers to get space, and 
> there are all sorts of nooks and crannies to exploit, but it will take 
> some hustle to plan a full day event for April 20 or 21.
> I can't really think of a suitable space in Butler (will this event be 
> CU folks mostly, or from all over?  It's kinda a pain to get many 
> outsiders into Butler.  And, they have started charging a fee for 
> cleanup if you have food).

The current plan is just CU students, plus teachers who may not be.

> Did any of you hear about (or attend) this recent event?  
>  They used some nice space in 
> barnard and might be able to help out.
> Otherwise, I have a list of places we use at CCNMTL, but not too many of 
> them are free.  Teachers College comes to mind.
> At least 30 ppl isn't huge.
> The timing won't really work out here, but I know some folks that are 
> plotting to establish some make/hack spaces on campus.

*nod* -- I guess one question, which may mostly be for Kathy, is: are 
Columbia students willing to hop on the Subway if we are clear about where 
to go, and it's somewhere reasonably accessible, and it's at some exciting 
company office like 10Gen? Can you give some kind of sense of if students 
consider that zero hassle, moderate hassle, or extreme hassle? (: (In 
Baltimore, where I went to college, students would have a hard time 
leaving campus for events, but NYC is much better-connected within 

> Actually - have you contacted Jeffery Lancaster at the Digital Science 
> Center?
> The libraries (not just butler) really should be able to help you out.

I just pinged him! Let's see what he thinks.

> Unfortunately, I will be down in rutgers on the 20th, but might be able 
> to drop by if this happens on the 21st.

*nod* and thanks for your speedy reply! And sorry about my delays.

-- Asheesh.

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