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[WFS-India] guideline while posting in the group

A. Mani a.mani.cms at
Sat Jun 15 17:31:06 UTC 2013

How To post without emotions?

Posts that contain emotions or have egos related have more potential
to cause problematic situations in mailing lists.
It helps if discourses are impersonal. But this is easier said than done.

To start with avoid personal references.
Stick to subject line.

Never say "I like that application a lot", use "It is a nice application".

Avoid linguistic hedges like 'very', etc. Use minimally.

Why say things like "It is a very nice application", when "It is a
nice application" leaves the vagueness to the reader?

Write simple sentences only (but build ups can have all kinds of
emotional impact ... be careful :).

Try to avoid direct references to others. The default FOSS mail list
rule is to refer to others with @<mailusername> or @<firstname>.

This rule gets severely abused by users in this mailing list and is
due to most people not observing it.

Mailing lists should not look like they are full of people but appear
like discourses between strings of symbols.

If you do have a problem with anybody, then take it up off list.



A. Mani

A. Mani

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