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[OH-Publicity] OpenHatch booth at Scale

Shauna Gordon-McKeon shaunagm at
Thu Jan 23 00:59:01 UTC 2014

Continuing to brainstorm for the booth (and future booths)...

- What about creating rip cards (at least, I think that's the
for potential OSCTC hosts and OH-affiliated projects?  People passing by
the booth could fill out the bottom with their name/contact info/campus (or
project), tear it off, and leave it with us, but take the shiny explanation
of OSCTC/OHAP with them.

- I would like to have a computer set up so folks can browse
openhatch.orgor use the donate page right there at the booth.  This
shouldn't be hard to
pull off.

- I am torn between wanting a monitor set up to display an endless loop of
delightful event photos, and wanting to print them out and put them around
the booth.  Opinions on which is better?

- Will we have any shirts to sell?

On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 4:41 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at>wrote:

> Carol mentioned elsewhere that she may be able to bring a large screen for
> us to use at the booth at SCALE.  I'm not entirely sure how we'd use it
> (screensaver of awesome event photos? demos of training missions?) but it's
> worth brainstorming!
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at>wrote:
>> Well, there are going to be at least three of us, so we can have more
>> than one person there at least some of the time.
>> I wonder if Karen can make us a quick SCALE-themed Sufjan.  Maybe a
>> Sufjan hugging/playing with this dodecahedron (
>> )?
>> Mostly I just think Sufjan makes everything better.  :)
>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Deb Nicholson <
>> deb at> wrote:
>>> I will be at SCaLE, although I have not sorted my travel or other (read:
>>> work) time commitments while there yet.
>>> In my mind two things are key for booth, 1) having 2-3 people staffing
>>> the booth at any given time makes the booth much more fun and not a chore
>>> which people definitely respond to, 2) plus standing and greeting people as
>>> they shuffle by instead of sitting/hiding behind a laptop, avoiding eye
>>> contact, etc.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Deb
>>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Carol Willing <
>>> willingc at> wrote:
>>>>  The secret ingredients were friendly and encouraging booth folks, a
>>>> "you can learn/do it" attitude, humility, and enthusiasm. Beyond that I
>>>> honestly don't remember but I can put you in touch with Sharon from that
>>>> group.
>>>> On 1/9/14, 10:36 AM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon wrote:
>>>> Awesome!  Looking forward to seeing you again, Carol.  :)
>>>>  I have a bunch of stickers in my closet so we're all set with those.
>>>>  Any secret ingredients to what made Linux Chix LA's booth so amazing?
>>>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Carol Willing <
>>>> willingc at> wrote:
>>>>>  Shauna,
>>>>> I will be at Scale too. I'm glad you will be there :)
>>>>>  It would be nice to have a space near Linux Chix LA (nice group and
>>>>> I think they won most friendly booth last year). On the Saturday, there
>>>>> were quite a few kids last year so stickers would be great.
>>>>>  Carol
>>>>>  Carol Willing
>>>>> Developer
>>>>>  Willing Consulting
>>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>>> From: Shauna Gordon-McKeon
>>>>> Date:01/09/2014 8:11 AM (GMT-08:00)
>>>>> To: Deb Nicholson
>>>>> Cc: "Publicity for OpenHatchy events, projects, and the site itself"
>>>>> Subject: [OH-Publicity] OpenHatch booth at Scale
>>>>> Hi Deb,
>>>>>  If I'm remembering correctly, you're planning to attend SCALE next
>>>>> month.  Turns out I am, too, and while talking to the organizers about my
>>>>> presentation they offered OpenHatch a booth on the expo floor.  I wanted to
>>>>> let you know about that, in case you had ideas for how to set it up and/or
>>>>> if you think you'll have time during the conf to help me man the booth.
>>>>>  Publicity@ folks - you too are welcome to give me design/setup ideas!
>>>>>  Easy-ish things I would like to do:
>>>>> - stickers!
>>>>> - t-shirts?
>>>>> - high quality prints of pictures from events for decorations
>>>>> - glossy cards that distill somehow
>>>>> - have a dedicated computer (at least while someone is at the booth)
>>>>> for easy sign-up to mailing lists, donations via,
>>>>> sending emails re: hosting OSCTC events, etc.
>>>>>  I welcome further thoughts.  :)
>>>>>  - Shauna
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>>>> Carol Willing
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>>>> Willing Consulting
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