[OH-Publicity] mainstream publicity, Feb newsletter (was Re: One weird trick to help people get to know our blog content better)
Asheesh Laroia
lists at asheesh.org
Sun Feb 23 20:23:41 UTC 2014
As some of you on this list know, I like delivering high-gloss sermons, so
I'd be fine with doing some TED-style talk things.
Relatedly, Jessica's & my 2012 PyCon talk was pretty good, and maybe we
should work harder on getting more people to know about it.
Also, I love the idea of OSCTC reaching out to local media.
Will comment more on draft newsletter shortly, eta 3 days.
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Mike Linksvayer <ml at gondwanaland.com>wrote:
> Hi all,
> htmlpad is back, preview/edit end of month newsletter at
> http://htmlpad.org/oh-newsletter-201402/ and
> http://htmlpad.org/oh-newsletter-201402/edit
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Asheesh Laroia <lists at asheesh.org>wrote:
>> I propose that we modify our blog's theme so that when you scroll to the
>> end of a blog post, underneath the comment box, you see the next most
>> recent blog post in that post's category. That way, people can just keep
>> reading and scrolling.
> Sure, like medium and many other sites these days. There exist WordPress
> plugins to do this, possibly requiring some additions to our nonstandard
> theme (wild guess, I haven't looked). I've got nothing against this or any
> other micro optimization, except that we should be thinking about macro
> optimizations.
> AFAICT the mainstream hyping of "everyone should learn to code" has
> occurred entirely during OpenHatch's existence, probably entirely during
> its existence as a nonprofit. AFAICT OpenHatch has gotten zero recognition
> as part of this wave.
> Women in CS is now apparently a mainstream story too (which is GREAT). I
> noticed a big story is the top story in my local Sunday paper, with a photo
> taking up almost all the space above the fold ... no, I haven't read a
> paper copy in years, but still notice them in coin dispensed paper boxes
> that apparently someone buys from; online version at
> http://web.archive.org/web/20140223184749/http://www.insidebayarea.com/oakland-tribune (this
> and others in the draft newsletter).
> I'd love to see both OpenHatch and contributing to open source communities
> be part of these stories. A couple ideas:
> * Part of OSCTC events includes reaching out to local media for
> story/interview
> * Develop TED-style (yes, I too find these sermons annoying, but they seem
> to be effective in various ways) talk, presumably with Shauna and/or Asheesh
> I suspect these would also benefit OSCTC events indirectly in terms of
> outreach and feeling excitement of participation in an important event, and
> in terms of honing presentation/message.
> Others on this publicity list probably have better ideas (which might
> include telling me above are bad ones), please share.
> As an OpenHatch fan/community member only,
> Mike
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