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[OH-Publicity] Possible move of blog to wp-engine

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at
Fri Aug 8 07:02:35 UTC 2014

Hi publicity team people,

I created a clone of the OpenHatch blog on a WordPress-specific hosting
service called WPEngine. I want to get people's feedback, and see if they
like it.

Can you log into and play with it?

(To actually be able to log in, you'll probably have to do a password
reset. If you're not an admin, merely a "Contributor", let me know and I'll
upgrade your account to admin if it makes sense, which if you're asking me,
it probably does.)

Also, feel free to visit it on the web at
and identify any issues you find.

You can read more about WPEngine online at , but the
short version is that their WordPress-oriented hosting service provides a
way faster-running blog for visitors, and a way more easy to admin thing
from our end. (We can do things like install plugins on a "staging" version
of the blog, and then if they work OK, install them on the main blog.)

I've attempted to import all our old content.

Oh, actually, I realize that a post from 2010 called photos-from-penn
probably didn't import correctly. I can look into that.

If people seem to like it OK, I'm very interested in making this our
official blog, and setting up redirects etc. so that contains all the content of the old blog.

My goal here is to make a more reliable OpenHatch blogging experience for
people, and to get me out of the loop as much as possible.

Yours truly,

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