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[OH-Publicity] "clone" OSCTC event blog posts

Shauna Gordon-McKeon shaunagm at
Tue Apr 22 17:23:41 UTC 2014

Hi publicity team,

One thing I've noticed is that it's quite hard to get blog posts for
"clone" OSCTC events - that's our somewhat weird term for events not
attended by Asheesh or myself.

I'm curious if folks have ideas for how to easily generate blog posts.
 Content could include:

- Lots of pictures (for events where pictures are successfully taken)
- Feedback from exit surveys (Software Carpentry does this:
-- we also don't always get this successfully :(
- What else?

We could, of course, try to track down individual contributions ourselves
but it will be a lot of wrangling for us to do.  I'm trying to think of a
relatively painless process that acknowledges that writing blog posts is a
relatively labor intensive thing we're asking our local organizers to do.
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