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[OH-Publicity] Thanking sponsors blog post

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at
Tue Jul 16 19:52:22 UTC 2013

Quoting Greg Grossmeier (2013-07-15 23:29:53)
> <quote name="Karen Rustad" date="2013-07-15" time="18:59:15 -0700">
> > * Maybe we could put each company's logo in the post, below its level of
> > sponsorship heading?
> I, too, was looking for logos. The juxtaposition of the larger heading
> for the event next to the smaller font (but bold) text for the sponsor
> seemed weird.
> I find the words around the sponsors' names to be mostly redundant (to
> the heading).

Originally, the blog post didn't have this text, but Mike Linksvayer said
he couldn't figure out the differences based on the heading names alone,
so I added that explanatory text.

With Karen's help I've found a better image!

And I've asked companies for logos!

-- Asheesh.

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