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[OH-Publicity] "Release Notes" blog post for Wellesley event

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at
Thu Apr 11 03:46:07 UTC 2013

On Tue, 9 Apr 2013, Shauna Gordon-McKeon wrote:

> We're trying something new, for Open Source Comes to Campus posts.  Each event will have two posts associated with it:
> - the bare bones "Release Notes", which will include info on logistics, which bugs got fixed, and errata from the day
> - a flashier "Infrequently Asked Questions" which will include snapshots of conversations from the event, along with literal snapshots (ie pictures)
> Here's a link to the Release Notes post for Wellesley.  The IAQ post should be up within a couple weeks after.
> Feedback is appreciated.  I'm especially interested in thoughts for 
> making the "Schedule" section better.

Fresh public preview link, since it expired:


Generally, it's a great post. It's short, looks great, and tells a lot of 

Some suggestions:

I'd suggest changing the title to:

"Teaching open source at Wellesley College"

(For context, Shauna and Michael Stone and I talked about how we might 
rework these posts to be more dense and call them "release notes," but it 
seems to me it's sort of a jargon-y term so I'd prefer not to use the 
phrase in the posts, even if we do call them that on the Publicity list, 
say.) I'm not dogmatic, I just want something that feels less like jargon 
than "Release notes". But maybe if we explain the jargon, that'd be okay.

I would also chang ethe 'slug' (see the "Permalink" section in the 
WordPress UI away from 'release-notes-wellesley-462013' to just 
'wellesley', since shorter URLs are easier to link to.

I would change "Bugs" in the middle to something more clearly indicative 
of positive work -- for example, "Contributions made by students" or "What 
students worked on". Perhaps preface that with a sentence like, "During 
the Contributions Workshop, students worked on the following bugs."

I made a few simple copy edits, which I'll summarize here:

* In a list, even if it's of teaching events that took place during the 
day, only capitalize the first word.

* "Open Source Comes to Campus Event" => "Open Source Comes to Campus 
event" (only Open Source Comes to Campus is a proper noun)

For the schedule section, since you specially asked, here are some 

* Link to the laptop setup 

Hmm, that's all that comes to mind.

Oh, one other meta-erratum -- I worked through the stuff in as part of our wrap-up 
for the first time, and it worked great, so consider saying so.

-- Asheesh.

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