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[OH-Publicity] Proposed Boston Python Workshop website

Asheesh Laroia lists at
Wed Oct 19 20:24:45 UTC 2011

Hello folks!

I made a draft version of a Boston Python Workshop website. Here it is:

(source here: )

I am thinking it'd be nice to put this on a domain somwhere
(e.g. ? ? ?) and get people to link to it.

My general goal is for there to be a highly-clear site for BPW that
conveys information that our fans want to know. Greg Price, for example,
has requested a clearer path to finding out previous instructional material,
and people sometimes ask me, "When's the next workshop?" And I think it's
great to roll that into a site that prospective funders can look at and
say, "Man, these folks are great. Who do I write a check out to?"

I wanted to ask for feedback. Specifically:

* Make sure people (especially Jessica, since I mention her directly!)
  are okay with the text

* Make sure people are okay with the front page image (especially Anna,
  since she's in it!)

* See if there are topics that we think a Boston Python Workshop site
  should address that this does not

* Ask if there are any changes that must be made to it before we make
  it "live"

* Collect other requested changes and/or patches to change text

I hope to make this live, say, 3 days from now.

Let me know what you all think! Feel free to send patches (thanks Ned
for yours)!

-- Asheesh.

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