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[OH-Dev] [issue721] old_trac handling passes data through transits in an invalid way

Asheesh Laroia bugs at
Tue Mar 27 19:13:20 UTC 2012

New submission from Asheesh Laroia <asheesh at>:

In oh-bugimporters, bugimporters/ checks if the remote bug tracker seems
to be the "old" kind that requires extra scraping to get all the metadata.

This commit removed that functionality --
-- because it was crashing.

The simple way to fix this is to make sure that this case gets covered in the
unit tests, and look at the old mysite/customs/bugimporters/ code to see
how things were done there, and make corresponding changes.

The other way to fix it would be to rewrite the old_trac handling so that it
doesn't store the RSS-type data in the Django database. Instead, it could just
retain a local HTTP cache of the RSS feed contents, and re-parse that every time
it refreshes a bug stored in a old_trac-type tracker. (Hope that makes sense. If
not, I'm happy to explain this idea. It's not the fastest way to fix the
problem, anyway.)

messages: 3164
milestone: 0.12.02
nosy: berryp, jwm, paulproteus
priority: bug
status: unread
title: old_trac handling passes data through transits in an invalid way

Roundup issue tracker <bugs at>

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