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[OH-Dev] [issue591] Confusing instruction in Diffing entire directories mission

jesstess bugs at
Tue Sep 20 03:48:31 UTC 2011

New submission from jesstess <jessica.mckellar at>:

Submitted on behalf of wdaher because a bug tracker issue prevented him from creating the 
original ticket:



The "diffing entire directories" mission instructs you to "Find all                                                          
places where "aubergine" is mentioned and replace them with the                                                              
synonym, "eggplant". (If you see "Aubergine" with a capital "A",                                                             
replace that with a similarly-capitalized word!)".

I took this to mean that I should also rename
"AubergineAndChickpeaSkillet.txt" to
"EggplantAndChickpeaSkillet.txt". The checker did not like that.

Proposed solution: avoid the problem entirely by renaming the file to
"Skillet" or "ChickpeaSkillet".

(Alternatively, you could clarify this in the instructions, but let's
face it, people hardly read instructions as it is.)

messages: 2502
nosy: jesstess, paulproteus
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Confusing instruction in Diffing entire directories mission

Roundup issue tracker <bugs at>

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