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[Devel] [issue452] create a mission for cmd-line file manipulation (unix/linux) basics

janet bugs at
Tue Jun 21 17:29:25 UTC 2011

New submission from janet <jed at>:

It would be great to have a mission for teaching some basic command-line
commands.  I think it would be helpful users of all os, if they don't have prior

Some ideas:

1. For windows install cygwin (or some other tool that will allow unix-ish commands)
2. Build on the 'tar' mission, or 'git' mission where the user downloads some
files / data.
3. Have a scavenger hunt where the user has to traverse the files to find the
answers to various questions, or do some basic manipulation (search / replace)

Commands that could be taught could start with the basics: ls, cd, mv, cp.
Could get a bit more advanced, grep | wc
possibly include my most favorite search / replace, perl pie:
perl -p -i -e 's/something/something_else/g' file 

Could be verified by asking some questions or having the user make changes, and
then commit, or upload a new tar ball.

messages: 2093
nosy: janet, paulproteus
priority: wish
status: unread
title: create a mission for cmd-line file manipulation (unix/linux) basics

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