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[Ccsf-campus-staff] checking in

Maria Pacana maria.pacana at
Fri Mar 21 20:17:53 UTC 2014

Hi everyone!

> 3) Who is taking the remaining presentation slots:
>     -- how to find open source projects  (this could be a quick question
> that all mentors answer)
Actually, I think that I can handle this (though I'll ask other mentors to
chime in if they have any tips).

I just discovered that there's a canonical
version<>of the communication
tools presentation, but do people mind if I diverge
from that a bit? I was thinking about talking about finding projects /
communication tools for about 30 minutes. The rest of the time, I want to
ask the attendees to 1) quickly search OpenHatch, OhLoh, etc., for an
open-source project that might suit them; and 2) come up with a good
question to ask the maintainer(s) of these open source projects (which they
can share with each other in small groups). So by the end of the session
they should have an idea of an open source project they want to contribute
to, and an initial question they can ask on IRC or the mailing list to get
the ball rolling.

> For those presenting, does your laptop have a VGA port?  If not, let me
> know what OS and what port it has (HDMI, etc).
My laptop has a VGA port.

> 5) Screencapture recording & audio: for those presenting the irc (?),
> communication tools (Maria), and git/GitHub (Veronica) sessions, we'd like
> to record these presentations.  Depending on your O/S, these are the
> options we've used previously:
>     for Macs:
>     for PCs or Linux:
> ...the audio would just be captured with a USB headset mic.  Let me know
> if you have trouble setting up OBS.  Art Wong who set it up for us last
> time will be on site Saturday by 8:30am, and can help troubleshoot anyone's
> installation.

Good to know! I'll set up OBS on my computer.
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