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[Ccsf-campus-staff] checking in

Katherine Moloney kmoloney at
Tue Mar 18 23:08:07 UTC 2014


*) None of the mentors beyond Geoff are on this ccsf-campus-staff list:

veronica.l.ray at gmail.commaria.pacana@gmail.comalex.gaynor at
jlewi at

...should I just directly add everyone (and then they can
the event is over)?

> B)  Each section needs a presenter who is comfy with presenting it.

I've made a spreadsheet 20140322 OSCTC Presentation
so everyone can be on the same page about how the day will be broken up.
*Geoff* & *Asheesh*, edit this to match what you've been talking about.

   - For whoever takes the *'irc introduction'*, the key is to *not go too
   fast*. This is the first section of the day, and, for many of the
   students, this will be a foreign country.
   - This is a nice summary to use & to share with the students:
      - One thing that worked really well last time (the first time we ran
      this workshop) was sharing links with students via irc -- so
they couldn't
      ignore it altogether

...if this section goes slowly & repetitively that seems to work out okay,
advanced users joke around, and novices get the hang of it.

   - *Maria*, I queued you up for the *'Communications Tools'* section
   since you could talk about how you came to Parsoid, and how you first
   learned about the project, how you first immersed yourself in it, etc.  I
   saw on your Tumblr -- -- that you had several
   nice posts about this process:
to Parsoid)

I figure in the process you can organically touch on exploring the project
website, bug tracker, irc channel vs email vs mailing lists, etc.  And then
summarize these communication tools at the end of the presentation:

Relatedly, these might be useful:

<>* thinking about what you'd want to say, but really just speak from
your experience.

   - ...then we flow into the *Career Panel  (Geoff, Veronica, Maria, Alex,
   - ...and then into *Lunch <>*
   - *Veronica*, does 'Refuge
   have any bite-sized bugs or features that could be dealt with during the
      - If so, you could lead the '*Git/GitHub introduction*'
         - either with a bite-size bug that you can continue working on
         during the workshop, in the modeling section of the
contribution workshop
         (see below for that discussion)
         - or with a walk-thru of an already completed bug/feature, a la:
            - Just by looking at the issue names, the following look
         intelligible to new eyes:  #79, #53, #41, #39, #34, #11, #10, #4
      - If not, does anyone else have a project with a bite-sized bug?
         - I'm going to the Python hack night tomorrow to recruit
         additional mentors, so maybe one of them will.
      - Or does Open Hatch have one?
   - ...and then on to the *Contribution workshop*
      - While students can work on their own, it seems essential for there
      to be one mentor leading a guided session.  This could go a
number of ways:
         - one or alternating student(s) could "drive" and then the group
         (with guidance/hints from the mentor) can call out what they think the
         "driver" should do, or
         - mentor can "drive" and talk about what they're doing and why,
         and seek student input where possible

Whoever just read all of that is a champion -- thank you.

Now Geoff, Asheesh, Maria, Veronica and anyone else please change up that
whole plan as you see fit.

I am a student, so I am certainly not the expert here in the subject or how
to organize the workshop.

(I have a sense of the pacing that would server our average current skill
set, and what worked & didn't work last time.)


Last I looked we had 57 students
Assuming the same attendance rate as last time, that averages out to 45
students, so I'm still attempting to recruit more mentors.  If you know
anyone who would be interested & available, please invite them.



On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at>wrote:

> Hi CCSF organizers,
> Just wanted to check in and see how everything's going.  I've been
> operating on the "if they need anything from OpenHatch, they'll ask"
> principle, but I wanted to let you know/remind you of a few things:
> A)  For projects time, it's generally a good idea to have a few specific
> projects prepped for people to work on.  It looks like, from the volunteer
> emails I've seen, there are a few volunteers coming who maintain open
> source projects.  We should invite them to feature them at the event!  If
> you/they want help getting their projects set up, just contact me/Asheesh
> via this ccsf-campus-staff list.
> B)  Each section needs a presenter who is comfy with presenting it.  If
> you don't have that, let us know, so we can do some targeted recruitment.
> C)  Asheesh will be around evenings this week to meet with people, online
> or in person, to answer questions/go over curriculum/etc.
> I think that's all.  Let me know if there's anything else I can help with!
> ~ Shauna
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