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[Ccsf-campus-staff] Meetup to discuss Website and curriculum

Maribel Gordon mgordon8 at
Sat Aug 9 18:20:45 UTC 2014

I can try to to make it at 6:30 pm, but I can't guarantee I'll be back home
by then. I have an event in the city that will go until the late afternoon,
so I might be delayed a bit, but I can try to jump on the call once I get


On Saturday, August 9, 2014, Katherine Moloney <kmoloney at>

> Can we talk a little earlier, like 7pm or 6:30pm?
> And I was wrong earlier -- Kevin's email is not getting the
> ccsf-campus-staff emails, there's bouncing back from his address for some
> reason.
> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 7:43 PM, Tyler B <tylerbrothers1 at
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','tylerbrothers1 at');>> wrote:
>> Saturday at 8pm?
>> I really like the level's idea as it allows people to meet people
>> (smaller groups), learn together, and get better advice from mentors. I do
>> want to be cautious about making sure no one feels "dumb" for being in the
>> newbie group though, so thats something to keep in mind.
>> Install fest and instructions online for those who cant attend the
>> meeting is a must. As we iron out exactly what we want to teach, we can
>> setup instructions online on how to get setup. Maybe we can coordinate with
>> mentors on this.
>> In addition to having the groups being based on familiarity with tools, I
>> would like to see an opening presentation that touches on what open source
>> is about and why it matters. The presentation could touch on different
>> faucets of open source as well - legal aspects, open source vs. closed
>> source, social impact, history of open source and why the tools are
>> important to making open source contribution easy. The presentation would
>> give something to everyone and serve as a nice framework for newbies, so
>> they dont feel so lost and "why?".
>> Did our previous schedule have any hiccups? (pasted here for convenience
>> - from
>> 9:00am-9:30am:Coffee, juice, pastries, and getting to know each other
>>> 9:30am-10:00am:irc session
>>> 10:00am-11:00am:Communication Tools session
>>> 11:00am-12:00pm:Career panel
>>> 12:00pm-1:00pm:Lunch
>>> 1:00pm-2:00pm:git/GitHub session
>>> 2:00pm-6:00pm:Contributions demo/workshop
>> I know it had a totally different structure then what were talking about
>> here, but were there any obvious issues with the how long speeches were or
>> anything?
>> Sincerely,
>> Tyler Brothers
>> Phone: 925-998-9956
>>    -
>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Katherine Moloney <kmoloney at
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','kmoloney at');>> wrote:
>>> Minus private details (phone numbers, etc) let's communicate using
>>> ccsf-campus-staff at
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ccsf-campus-staff at');>
>>> as we're all on it & to keep a record for CCSF students running this event
>>> in the future.
>>> Definitely need to finalize the curriculum/content/schedule.  Let's pick
>>> a time on Saturday afternoon maybe or later tonight (Fri) like 9pm, and do
>>> another Google Hangout.
>>> As for changing the theme/layout of the website, that's something to
>>> raise with Shauna & OpenHatch.   You can see that this is a standard
>>> template:
>>> ...personally, I think our time is better spent innovating curriculum
>>> structure.
>>> For example, what about the idea of having the curriculum be a series of
>>> self paced exercises instead of presenter-led lectures?  In this case,
>>> students could just indicate when they need help or more information.  Then
>>> mentors could be divided up within the room, and help just go to the
>>> students when they indicate that they need help.
>>> We could have students self-select their experience level, with
>>> something similar to this:
>>>     + total new to open source, irc, version control
>>>     + some experience with version control
>>>     + some experience with version control & irc
>>>     + comfortable installing/using open source, setting up my own
>>> development environment
>>>     + have contributed to open source projects before
>>> this case, we might have people sit in clusters around the room
>>> based on their experience levels, that way when the mentors explain
>>> something, they can be explaining to a cluster of students who might all
>>> need the same question answered.
>>> Additionally, students could work the introductory curriculum even
>>> before they show up to the workshop.  The last club meeting could be an
>>> installfest (git, establish a GitHub account, practice with irc, etc) and a
>>> work-through-the-basic-curriculum opportunity, so more students could dive
>>> right into grokking the project they're interested in.
>>> *** If there is any way that students can pick out projects ahead of
>>> time & try to do the development environment setup ahead of time, that
>>> would make a *big* difference, since we'll be all in the same room, taxing
>>> the same wi-fi ***
>>> So anyone available to do a Google Hangout tonight around 9pm?  Or
>>> tomorrow afternoon?
>>> Katherine
>>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 11:55 AM, Tyler B <tylerbrothers1 at
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','tylerbrothers1 at');>> wrote:
>>>> Hey everyone,
>>>> I have free time all day today and saturday to get some work organizing
>>>> this. If everyone was available, I thought we could meetup to discuss how
>>>> we are planning on tackling some questions.
>>>> Specifically: Specifics on the website, specifics on any curriculum
>>>> changes and what we can do for advanced and novice students alike and a
>>>> shared calendar to organize the moving part.
>>>> For the website - I would not mind tackling this. I saw how we did it
>>>> last year and loved the content and ease of use. Im thinking of looking
>>>> into if we can install Wordpress and then just use a simple one page theme
>>>> to add some extra niceness.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Tyler Brothers
>>>>    -

Maribel M. Gordon
mgordon8 at
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