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[Ccsf-campus-staff] Meetup to discuss Website and curriculum

Katherine Moloney kmoloney at
Fri Aug 8 22:54:20 UTC 2014

Minus private details (phone numbers, etc) let's communicate using
ccsf-campus-staff at as we're all on it & to keep a record
for CCSF students running this event in the future.

Definitely need to finalize the curriculum/content/schedule.  Let's pick a
time on Saturday afternoon maybe or later tonight (Fri) like 9pm, and do
another Google Hangout.

As for changing the theme/layout of the website, that's something to raise
with Shauna & OpenHatch.   You can see that this is a standard template:

...personally, I think our time is better spent innovating curriculum

For example, what about the idea of having the curriculum be a series of
self paced exercises instead of presenter-led lectures?  In this case,
students could just indicate when they need help or more information.  Then
mentors could be divided up within the room, and help just go to the
students when they indicate that they need help.

We could have students self-select their experience level, with something
similar to this:

    + total new to open source, irc, version control
    + some experience with version control
    + some experience with version control & irc
    + comfortable installing/using open source, setting up my own
development environment
    + have contributed to open source projects before this case, we might have people sit in clusters around the room based
on their experience levels, that way when the mentors explain something,
they can be explaining to a cluster of students who might all need the same
question answered.

Additionally, students could work the introductory curriculum even before
they show up to the workshop.  The last club meeting could be an
installfest (git, establish a GitHub account, practice with irc, etc) and a
work-through-the-basic-curriculum opportunity, so more students could dive
right into grokking the project they're interested in.

*** If there is any way that students can pick out projects ahead of time &
try to do the development environment setup ahead of time, that would make
a *big* difference, since we'll be all in the same room, taxing the same
wi-fi ***

So anyone available to do a Google Hangout tonight around 9pm?  Or tomorrow


On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 11:55 AM, Tyler B <tylerbrothers1 at> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> I have free time all day today and saturday to get some work organizing
> this. If everyone was available, I thought we could meetup to discuss how
> we are planning on tackling some questions.
> Specifically: Specifics on the website, specifics on any curriculum
> changes and what we can do for advanced and novice students alike and a
> shared calendar to organize the moving part.
> For the website - I would not mind tackling this. I saw how we did it last
> year and loved the content and ease of use. Im thinking of looking into if
> we can install Wordpress and then just use a simple one page theme to add
> some extra niceness.
> Sincerely,
> Tyler Brothers
>    -
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