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[Campus-uconn-staff] mentors

Pariksheet Nanda pariksheet.nanda at
Fri Oct 10 07:10:02 UTC 2014

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:06 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon
<shaunagm at> wrote:
> Please contact as many of these people as seem reasonable.  If you'd like me
> to take responsibility for contacting them, that's fine.

I got this!  Nice work: your search-fu is strong.  I've contacted them
all and my comments are below.

> Do you know yet whether you'll be able to be at the event?  If not, who is
> the person who is handling the in-person day-of logistics?

Let me get back to you on this (-_-') as at the minute I don't have a
confirmed person for all day logistics.

> 0) This person is (was?) organizing an open source workshop at UConn:
> We should ask him if he wants to mentor, and also see if he knows folks who
> want to mentor
> (His workshop:

I've e-mailed Henry to see if he can mentor.

> 1) Have we reached out to the HuskyTech folks re:
> publicizing/attending/mentoring?

Thanks for the idea; I've just e-mailed 3 hiring staff at HuskyTech,
the IT department, and tutoring center (respectively) asking for their
star techies as mentors.

> 2) This person was doing open source advocacy at UConn a decade ago -- maybe
> he's still around and/or knows other folks interested in open source at the
> school?

I've just e-mailed David asking if he can mentor.  He's still listed
as a librarian working at UConn:

> 3) This economics prof wrote a paper on open source:
> the paper:

I've reached out to Prof. Langlois to see if he can be on our career panel.

> 4) Have we advertised the event to this group?

I had e-mailed the WiMSE club's common mailbox back in August along
with 35 other student organizations, but didn't hear back from them.
I e-mail the faculty director, Prof. Conover, instead this time.

> 5) This person has published articles on open source publishing:

I've e-mailed Anna requesting her as a mentor.

> ~ S


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