[Campus-neiu-staff] Running an Open Source Comes to Campus Event at NEIU
Adler, Rachel
r-adler at neiu.edu
Thu Mar 6 19:23:06 UTC 2014
How about the previous weekend, April 12? Is that better?
For the hangout - How about this coming Monday at 1pm?
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at gmail.com>wrote:
> We currently have an event planned at George Mason University for the
> 19th, so that would not be ideal, although it is potentially doable. The
> main point of conflict is in the afternoon 'Contributions Workshop' where
> students work on open source projects with local mentors and with mentors
> remotely available via IRC. We wouldn't want to overload the remote
> mentors. Is there another day that works for you? If not, let's talk more
> about doing it on the 19th.
> In terms of local volunteers, my guess is around 3-4, due to the date (the
> day before Easter). It's possible we could find more - Chicago is full of
> open source enthusiasts.
> When are you available to do a hangout? My schedule is generally flexible.
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Adler, Rachel <r-adler at neiu.edu> wrote:
>> Shauna,
>> We are happy to have the event here, but we would need volunteers to come
>> help us and give workshops. How many volunteers can you provide if we were
>> to host it Saturday April 19?
>> Can we also do a google hangout with you sometime this week?
>> Thanks,
>> Rachel
>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:50 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Sounds great. Looking forward to hearing about it.
>>> best
>>> Shauna
>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 8:32 PM, meg ford <meg387 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Shauna,
>>>> Sorry, I've been busy but we are meeting on Monday to talk about it.
>>>> Will email you afterwards.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Meg
>>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <
>>>> shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello again,
>>>>> Just wanted to check in on the status of this event. Let me know if
>>>>> there's any questions I can answer or anything I can do to help.
>>>>> best,
>>>>> Shauna
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Iacobelli, Francisco <
>>>>> f-iacobelli at neiu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes. Let me coordinate with meg and we can email you. By the way, how
>>>>>> much time in advance do you think we should start advertising for the event?
>>>>>> Francisco Iacobelli
>>>>>> Assistant professor
>>>>>> Computer Science
>>>>>> Northeastern Illinois University
>>>>>> http://fid.cl
>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2014 4:51 PM, "Shauna Gordon-McKeon" <shaunagm at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Are people interested in an in-person meeting with Meg, and/or a
>>>>>>> remote meeting with me? I'm happy either way.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <
>>>>>>> shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Meg's right - it is a bit involved to explain over email. I'm also
>>>>>>>> happy to arrange a meeting over something like google hangouts to discuss
>>>>>>>> it that way.
>>>>>>>> Rachel - we're happy to do it on a Sunday, we've done these events
>>>>>>>> on Sundays many times.
>>>>>>>> re: sign-ups: we usually create a publicity site with an embedded
>>>>>>>> google form that students can use to sign up. (Here's the most recent
>>>>>>>> example: http://arizona.openhatch.org/)
>>>>>>>> We've had a couple past events get canceled because we waited too
>>>>>>>> long to book a room, so we generally like to do that first (and not wait to
>>>>>>>> see how many people show up). If you can book one room, with the plan to
>>>>>>>> change to another if needed/possible based on sign-ups, that's fine by me,
>>>>>>>> but we want to know we definitely have a space.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 3:28 PM, meg ford <meg387 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> It might be worth it for us to schedule a meeting at NEIU so I can
>>>>>>>>> walk everyone through the process of doing a workshop. It's a little
>>>>>>>>> involved to explain over email. Sorry I wasn't able to come to the meeting
>>>>>>>>> last week, I didn't know it was re-scheduled until the last minute and I
>>>>>>>>> was in a work meeting at the time and couldn't leave.
>>>>>>>>> Meg
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Adler, Rachel <r-adler at neiu.edu>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I see, Shauna.
>>>>>>>>>> A weekend would be better in that case, since we probably do not
>>>>>>>>>> have too many mentors on our own.
>>>>>>>>>> A Saturday could work, but we do have other activities going on
>>>>>>>>>> at that time on campus.
>>>>>>>>>> Would a Sunday work for you guys?
>>>>>>>>>> Do you have a system already in place where students can register
>>>>>>>>>> for the event? After people sign-up we can decide on which room to reserve
>>>>>>>>>> based on the approximate number of people we think will attend.
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <
>>>>>>>>>> shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> There are two main issues with running an event during the day
>>>>>>>>>>> on a week day. First, it may be difficult for students to attend the whole
>>>>>>>>>>> event. We can provide materials for students to go through on their own
>>>>>>>>>>> time, so they can cover the material the night before, or at the event when
>>>>>>>>>>> they arrive, but it still adds a burden to the people running the event.
>>>>>>>>>>> Which leads to the second issue: it will be much harder to find
>>>>>>>>>>> volunteers during the 9-5 week day. We've run one event during a weekday
>>>>>>>>>>> (Rutgers, on 10/22/13). We had 3 mentors, including myself, and about 30
>>>>>>>>>>> students. It went pretty well, but I wouldn't recommend that kind of
>>>>>>>>>>> staff:student ratio when no one involved has run an OSCTC event before.
>>>>>>>>>>> If a weekday is the only time that works for you, I think you
>>>>>>>>>>> can still run a great event, but you'd probably want to keep it fairly
>>>>>>>>>>> small, aiming for 10-20 instead of our usual 25-35. How many mentors do
>>>>>>>>>>> you think you could find among NEIU's staff and graduate students? We'd be
>>>>>>>>>>> unlikely to get more than 1-2 people (if that) who could take time off of
>>>>>>>>>>> work to come be mentors.
>>>>>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>>>>>> Shauna
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Adler, Rachel <r-adler at neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you think the event can take place on Wednesday, March 5
>>>>>>>>>>>> from 9:30 - 4p.m?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <
>>>>>>>>>>>> shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sounds great. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shauna
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 5:39 PM, Adler, Rachel <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> r-adler at neiu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We are meeting tomorrow at noon to discuss.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 4:33 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any further thoughts on when you'd like to hold this event,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and if you'd prefer to do a short event (one evening night) or a full event
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (full day on a weekend day, or two weekend evenings)?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shauna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We'd be thrilled if you wanted to open up the event to all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chicago-area students. We'd also be enthusiastic about prioritizing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outreach and registration for women and other underrepresented groups.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (The UIC event was for women-identified people only.) But as the hosts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and lead organizers, it's up to you how you want to approach the event. :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 2:18 PM, meg ford <meg387 at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The UIC event was also open to students from other Chicago
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> area schools who wanted to attend, I'm assuming this event would be the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same, is that correct, Shauna?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A typical event for us is a full day long, with tutorials
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the morning covering open source communication tools (issue trackers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing lists, IRC) and a contributions workshop in the afternoon, where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> students are introduced to welcoming open source projects and get started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> learning about the project and making contributions. We like to also have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a career panel as well so students can get a sense of what open source
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> career options there are, how current community members got involved, what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> open source opportunities there currently are for them (Google Summer of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Code, Outreach Project for Women, etc.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We've split this up into two evenings before. If you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wanted to do that, I'd say the main issue is making sure that students are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> available both nights. Otherwise it can be an issue having a third of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attendees needing to catch up while the other two thirds are ready to keep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going. We've not condensed down to a single evening before, but we'd be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happy to talk about how we might do that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as time to organize, you'll probably want at least
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2-3 weeks to do publicity, communicate with attendees, and find volunteers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We usually aim to have a month or more of planning before an event, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have pulled off events with only about two weeks to go. We don't recommend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it, though!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Adler, Rachel <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r-adler at neiu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Would a Tuesday work? How much time in advance would we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to organize? What would the day consist of?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's wonderful to have you all on board. I've just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> created a mailing list for the event, which we can use to stay coordinated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without having to do a ton of cc-ing. I've added all of you - it should be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easy to unsubscribe if you decide you don't want to be involved in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning, but if you run into any trouble doing so, just email me and I can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remove you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The next step is to pick a date and location. As I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned before, you can use this checklist<https://openhatch.org/wiki/OSCTC_space_checklist> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find an appropriate space. We're quite flexible regarding dates, the main
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constraint is that we'd like to not have any events on the same day as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yours so we can focus our attention on supporting you remotely. We're
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> generally enthusiastic about day-long, weekend events but other options are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very much possible if that's what you prefer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shauna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 7:02 PM, Adler, Rachel <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r-adler at neiu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The NEIU ACM Chapter is happy to get on board and help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arrange. I have added two of the club officers to this email thread.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's a pleasure to virtually meet all of you. Meg,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks for the introductions!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our website <http://campus.openhatch.org/> provides
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details (and links to more details!) about how to run an event, but here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are the first few steps:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - You folks pick a date for the event, and find a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> space to host it. You can use this checklist<https://openhatch.org/wiki/OSCTC_space_checklist> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find an appropriate space. We're quite flexible regarding dates, the main
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constraint is that we'd like to not have any events on the same day as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yours so we can focus our attention on supporting you remotely.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - I'll make you a mailing list that we organizers can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use to coordinate the event. Whoever your lead organizers are will be made
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> admins to the list, and additional people can be added as they get involved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - You send out a brief save-the-date email to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most important mailing lists (usually CS department, WiCS, ACM type lists).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The save the date email can invite those already experienced with open
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source to get involved as organizers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - I'll make a copy of this organizational folder<https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B4HP1ey91UqPb1RrN25YOFA4V3c>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and from there we can split up the tasks inside. The event
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning overview<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HncyXIuWBklRJV07wFMUstdg2g6nIMp52ZLZWLSuCGQ/edit>document within the folder goes over all the steps in more detail.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We've done our best to document every step of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> process, but we totally support local organizers such as yourselves
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> customizing the process if you think that'll work better for your campus.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We figured we'd err on the side of providing too much guidance. :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm looking forward to working with all of you!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shauna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1:28 PM, Iacobelli, Francisco
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <f-iacobelli at neiu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Shauna,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It would be great to host Open Source Comes to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Campus. Please let us know how we can help make this happen.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:02 PM, meg ford <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meg387 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Shauna, Prof. Iacobelli, and Prof. Adler,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shauna, meet two of my professors from NEIU. Prof.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Iacobelli is my advisor, and Prof. Adler is the faculty advisor for the ACM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chapter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shauna is an organizer for Open Hatch, an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organization that runs workshops to introduce newcomers to Open Source.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shauna and I were in contact last Fall when she and Asheesh Laroia were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing an Open Source Comes to Campus event for women at UIC [1]. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned to her that Prof. Iacobelli had expressed interest in having NEIU
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> host an Open Hatch event.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me know how I can help as things move forward!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Last time several of the women from the Chicago Python Workshop were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involved in the event so I can reach out to them if we confirm that an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> event is a go.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Adler, I do not have the email address for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the student who is head of the ACM group; if you have a chance would you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mind adding him to the conversation?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]http://chicago.openhatch.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Shauna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Meg,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We talked a bit last fall when you helped us run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an Open Source Comes to Campus event at UIC. At the time you mentioned
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that your advisor was interested in running an event at NEIU. We'd love to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work with the two of you to make that happen!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neither Asheesh nor myself would be able to come
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out to Chicago to run the event in person, so we'd need someone(s) local to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take on the role of lead organizer. If you go to our
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> website <http://campus.openhatch.org>, you can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find the details of what's involved in running a full day event, and how we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can support you. We had a wonderful team of mentors in Chicago last time,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so I've got no doubt we can find enough volunteers to run another great
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> event. And of course I'll be available remotely before, during and after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the event.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me know what you think! And please do forward
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this email along to your advisor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shauna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Francisco Iacobelli, Assistant Professor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Northeastern Illinois University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phone: (773) 442 4728
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> f-iacobelli at neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://fid.cl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rachel F. Adler, Assistant Professor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Northeastern Illinois University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r-adler at neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cs.neiu.edu/~radler
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rachel F. Adler, Assistant Professor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Northeastern Illinois University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r-adler at neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cs.neiu.edu/~radler
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rachel F. Adler, Assistant Professor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Northeastern Illinois University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r-adler at neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cs.neiu.edu/~radler
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.neiu.edu
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> Campus-neiu-staff at lists.openhatch.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.openhatch.org/mailman/listinfo/campus-neiu-staff
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Rachel F. Adler, Assistant Professor
>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science
>>>>>>>>>>>> Northeastern Illinois University
>>>>>>>>>>>> 5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
>>>>>>>>>>>> r-adler at neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cs.neiu.edu/~radler
>>>>>>>>>>>> www.neiu.edu
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>>>>>>>>>>>> Campus-neiu-staff at lists.openhatch.org
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>>>>>>>>>>> Campus-neiu-staff at lists.openhatch.org
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>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Rachel F. Adler, Assistant Professor
>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science
>>>>>>>>>> Northeastern Illinois University
>>>>>>>>>> 5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
>>>>>>>>>> r-adler at neiu.edu
>>>>>>>>>> http://cs.neiu.edu/~radler
>>>>>>>>>> www.neiu.edu
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>> --
>> Rachel F. Adler, Assistant Professor
>> Department of Computer Science
>> Northeastern Illinois University
>> 5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
>> r-adler at neiu.edu
>> http://cs.neiu.edu/~radler
>> www.neiu.edu
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>> Campus-neiu-staff at lists.openhatch.org
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Rachel F. Adler, Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
r-adler at neiu.edu
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