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[WMF-outreach-staff] Wednesday dinner: Should hackathon participants just head to the Google Reception, or instead buy their own dinner?

Roan Kattouw roan.kattouw at
Sat Jul 7 03:41:17 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 12:11 PM, James Hare <james.hare at> wrote:
> That "come back" may be an issue, seeing as we don't have all the
> rooms in the evening.
Which rooms do we have? Really all we need in the evening is the main
room, I would think.

I'm in favor of letting people come back after dinner, but if you're
gonna allow that you should make sure there's at least one person
staffing the venue, and that it's made clear in advance when that
person is gonna kick everyone out and close up. One
not-completely-obvious reason why this is important is because people
may want to leave their bags at the venue while they go out to dinner.


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