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[OH-Publicity] event packages

Shauna Gordon-McKeon shaunagm at
Tue Sep 23 22:31:16 UTC 2014

Inconsistently, we've sent stickers and OpenHatch t-shirts to events.  I'd
like to do this more regularly, both because the stickers and shirts have
Karen's amazing penguin logo and so they're great advertising, but more
importantly as a small way of thanking organizers and attendees.

Things that could go in these packages include:

- OpenHatch stickers
- an OpenHatch t-shirt for the main organizer
- books on open source?  stickers/swag from affiliated projects?

I'd especially love to have some special way of thanking the volunteer
mentors in addition to the organizers.  Sadly I don't think we can afford
to send everyone t-shirts.

Do folks have other ideas for event packages?  And/or any suggestions for,
logistically, getting these things taken care of?  Our t-shirts are print
on demand, I believe, so they might have to be sent separately from

~ Shauna
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