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[Pdxpw-staff] install instructions for Sublime Text 2

Kevin Turner keturn at
Fri Jul 13 16:41:18 UTC 2012

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012, at 11:01 PM, Emily Strickland wrote:

Is there any real reason we need package control, linter, or
sublimecodeintel? i usually don't use these things in ST2 and
find them annoying at best. as for spaces instead of tabs, it'd
be nice, but i don't see it being a huge deal, either.

I think speeding up the feedback loop between when an error is
made and when it is discovered is quite helpful, and a linting
tool can do that for Name and Syntax errors (as long as it
doesn't train you to ignore it by giving you too much crap about
pep8 whitespace).  A tool like CodeIntel can extend the types of
errors caught to things like Attribute errors and signature
mismatches, while at the same time providing code completion to
reduce the number of keystrokes required and the amount one has
to flip back to the documentation.

So while I don't think they're *absolutely* necessary, I do
consider such features highly desirable, and I think students
should have them if we make it easy enough.

As far as spaces go ... well, Sublime will *probably* autodetect
and do the right thing for the sample projects we have them
download.  But Jessica did drill in "indent is four tabs" in a
very explicit way in her instruction, and "your editor does not
insert tabs" was deemed important enough to get a line item on
the Friday evening check-off.  (That's totally an
appeal-to-authority argument, but I can ask 'em what the
motivation for that was.)
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