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[OH-Dev] [issue965] Change made to /mysite/static/css/missions/base.css in Issue 958 needs some explanation

eeshangarg bugs at
Thu Apr 24 16:23:48 UTC 2014

New submission from eeshangarg <jerryguitarist at>:

This issue is a follow up to an existing issue
<> and a merged and closed pull request
<>. In my pull request for
Issue 958, I added a new CSS property to /mysite/static/css/missions/base.css.
And paulproteus advised me to add a comment to explain that change and also to
update the Front-end style guide accordingly. I asked on IRC and was advised to
create a separate issue for the comment and assign it to myself before making my

assignedto: eeshangarg
messages: 4267
nosy: eeshangarg, paulproteus
priority: bug
status: in-progress
title: Change made to /mysite/static/css/missions/base.css in Issue 958 needs some explanation

Roundup issue tracker <bugs at>

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