[OH-Dev] [issue720] when watching projects list, clicking on expand doesn't alter the name expand to collapse
bugs at openhatch.org
Tue Mar 27 00:23:26 UTC 2012
New submission from jesstess <jessica.mckellar at gmail.com>:
20:12 < dardevelin> it's just a simple bug, when watching projects list,
clicking on expand doesn't alter the name expand to collapse
20:15 < dardevelin> probably can be fixed by identifying the node count and the
after using var expnd = document.getElementsByClassName('expand'); var expnd_l =
expnd_l.innerHtml = "collapse" or something like that
20:15 < dardevelin> not sure I'm not a js guru
20:16 < dardevelin> expnd[ 0 ] (0 is the node in question, so something needs to
keep track of witch node is );
20:16 < dardevelin> it could just well be set while generating the page
messages: 3163
nosy: jesstess, paulproteus
priority: bug
status: unread
title: when watching projects list, clicking on expand doesn't alter the name expand to collapse
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