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[Devel] Options for building standardized APIs for OpenHatch

Mark Freeman mark at
Wed Jul 13 17:02:10 UTC 2011

Hello team.  I have begun research on adding some standardized APIs to
the OpenHatch code base.  As I can certainly see these growing over
time and multiple people working on them, I want to make sure we
choose the best option going forward.  I've received several
suggestions back from the general python community.  Here is a list of
how I see our options at this point. I've made some general pro/con
statements for each.  I'm extremely interested in everyone's feedback
before we make a decision and begin writing specifications and code.
Personally, my current leaning is toward tastypie or piston, with a
slight edge to tastypie due to the fact it is an active project.

* Option 1: Use Django's built in serialization options.

1. Uses built in simplejson module or XMLSerializer
2. How it is implemented is pretty straight-forward

1. You would need multiple views/paths to be able to support multiple formats
2. Home spun solution.  Others probably already did it better.

* Option 2: Django-tastypie and

1. Automatically supports several data formats based on argument passed to view
2. Supports authentication if required
3. Supports throttling of calls to a view, if needed
4. Built to support good REST design
5. Actively being developed and growing user base

1. Several external dependencies
2. Requires understand how the app works rather than just basic views

* Option 3: Django-piston

1. Automatically supports several data formats based on argument passed to view
2. Supports authentication if required
3. Supports throttling of calls to a view, if needed
4. Built to support good REST design
5. Quite a few people using it

1. Has not been actively developed for more than a year.
2. Multiple forks of the project which seem to address 1 issue or 2.
3. While it does have the larger community behind it, this seems to be
dying out with many people moving to  tasty-pie
4. Feedback I got from most people was that piston works great, but
you have to generally tweak piston itself to get things working


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