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[Devel] [issue463] If you submit nothing to /missions/diffpatch/diffrecursive/submit , the server crashes

Asheesh Laroia bugs at
Fri Jul 1 22:12:31 UTC 2011

New submission from Asheesh Laroia <asheesh at>:

If you submit the empty value to /missions/diffpatch/diffrecursive/submit , then
the server hits an unhandled exception.

This should be fixed! It's also a good opportunity to write a test. A
good-quality way to fix this is:

* Write a test that logs in and does a POST to

* Verify that you can reproduce the crash

* Modify the view so that the test does not crash

* Submit a patch (-:

This is the stack trace you should expect to see.

Traceback (most recent call last):

line 100, in get_response
    response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)

line 25, in _wrapped_view
    return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/home/deploy/milestone-a.buildout/mysite/missions/diffpatch/",
line 91, in diffrecursive_submit

line 76, in validate_patch
    the_patch = patch.fromstring(patchdata)

  File "/home/deploy/milestone-a.buildout/mysite/missions/base/", line
67, in fromstring
    return Patch( StringIO(s) )

  File "/home/deploy/milestone-a.buildout/mysite/missions/base/", line
118, in __init__

  File "/home/deploy/milestone-a.buildout/mysite/missions/base/", line
325, in parse

IndexError: list index out of range

keyword: bitesize
messages: 2128
milestone: 0.11.07
nosy: paulproteus
priority: critical
status: unread
title: If you submit nothing to /missions/diffpatch/diffrecursive/submit , the server crashes

Roundup issue tracker <bugs at>

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