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[Ccsf-campus-staff] Thread on mentors and event

Jennie Rose Halperin jhalperin at
Mon Aug 25 21:54:21 UTC 2014

Hi Katherine, 

Most of our projects are actually set up to onboard new contributors. We can send people from a few functional areas, as well as 1-2 people from community building to help out the beginning folks. 
One place for skill building would be the Mozilla Developer's Network ( ) and their HTML tutorials ( ) or Code Firefox ( ) 
We also help people find exactly what they're looking for through What Can I do for Mozilla ( ) 
I'll let you know when I have a bit more information about what kinds of mentors are available to come, toward the end of he week. 



Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and/or typos. 

On Aug 25, 2014, at 5:15 AM, Katherine Moloney < kmoloney at > wrote: 

Hi Jennie, 

> If you all could also let me know about mentor needs ASAP, that would be very helpful. 

Sorry for the delay. 

The plan for the day: to track the students into 3 pools: 

    * learning-about-how-to-contribute -- these students will start morning in tutorials & then move to contributions workshop after lunch 

        * this group is subdivided into: 

            * beginner -- never seen any of these things before ( irc, version control, bug trackers, mailing lists, etc ) 
            * advanced beginner -- seen these tools before, but want to go through the tutorials 
ready-to-contribute -- these students will jump right into the contributions workshop 

..based on a quick review of the previous workshop questionnaire responses, I'd say that our population will be divided evenly among these 3 categories. 

As for which Mozilla projects, I see that the following are set up for new contributors: 

...whichever Mozilla projects are set up to onboard new contributors. Extra bonus points if there are active contributors in the SF Bay Area (increases the possibility of meeting face-to-face at meetups over time). Also good if any have work for those just developing their skills. 

Let us know which projects you think might be appropriate. 

[I take back that Javascript isn't an area that we're strong in -- CCSF has 2 departments, Computer Science & Computer Networking (which has the web dev HTML/CSS/Javascript curriculum); in the past, we've had fewer students from CNIT participate in this workshop, but with the mention of Mozilla & some of the Rails-based projects that we're recruiting, I expect more interest.] 

Finally, for what it's worth, based on what I saw at the 8/16 workshop that I organized: seems that 2+ mentors from a project have a better time of it than those by themselves -- the multiples can help field questions without the entire group having to wait until the issue of one person is resolved. 

Let us know what your thoughts are. 


On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Jennie Rose Halperin < jhalperin at > wrote: 


We can provide $100-$200 in funding. 

If you all could also let me know about mentor needs ASAP, that would be very helpful. 



On 8/21/14, 3:27 PM, Katherine Moloney wrote: 


That would be awesome! 

> we will happily provide the snacks for the event :) 

Curious what budget level? 

These are our expenditures the last two times we ran this event: 


73 registered, 46 attended (33 male, 13 female [12 students, 1 faculty]) -- 63% attendee/registrant ratio 
$455 lunch + $190.71 breakfast = $645.71 food total ($8.85/student) 
$500 honorarium to the 501(c)3 OpenHatch 





51 registered, 40 attended (8 female, 32 male [30 students, 2 faculty]) -- 78% attendee/registrant ratio 



$400 food total ($7.84/student) 
$500 honorarium to the 501(c)3 OpenHatch 


...a few things to say: 

    * I think the attended/registered ratio will improve as two of the main organizers -- Kevin Morris & Tyler Brothers -- are full time students (Kevin is the president of the club). Last time I was organizing this as an alumna, and didn't have any direct / in-person contact with most of the attendees. The first time we ran it, I was still a on-campus students, so I expect our conversation rate will improve again. 
    * The TechSF program is covering OpenHatch's $500 honorarium 
    * Overall, we're trying to provide food that (1) covers the vegetarians, vegans, gluten-free & (2) is good brain fuel since it's a long day of coding [i.e. we're trying to avoid sugar crashes] 

        * In the past 

            * breakfast: 

                * coffee 
                * OJ 
                * [bad sugar food -- donuts, muffin, etc -- trying to change that this time around -- likely getting yogurt & granola from the grocery store, fruit & bagels from Noahs] 
            * lunch: 

                * we've ordered middle eastern food for lunch (in particular from this restaurant: ), and that's worked out well. 

                    * indian or other cuisine are considered, just trying (mildly) to avoid pizza since (1) the mentors will have been to too many meetups feeding them pizza, (2) the carbo-load isn't the best brain food, and (3) not good for gluten-free folks 

Let me know what funding level Mozilla can provide. 



Pretty stoked about this event. During our last Google Hangout, we hammer out an excellent schedule to serve & segregate 3 groups of attendees: 

    * complete beginners (instruction in morning, contributions after lunch) 
    * advanced beginners (instruction in morning, contributions after lunch) 
    * everybody else (everyone ready to jump into the contributions right from the beginning of the day) 
...I see this workshop as continuing to improve, and really feeding CCSF students, both their professional development & their entry into open source. 



On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Jennie Rose Halperin < jhalperin at > wrote: 

I noticed your funding concerns and went ahead and asked for budget as well, so if you would be open, we will happily provide the snacks for the event :) 

Jennie Rose Halperin 
Community Building Team | Mozilla | | @little_wow | Join us! 




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