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[Ccsf-campus-staff] website is ready

Katherine Moloney kmoloney at
Tue May 28 03:30:48 UTC 2013

Hi Shauna,

That looks great!

Some feedback:

   - When I click the link, it skips the top text and comes right to the
   form -- I wonder if some students might miss the top text
   - In the text (1st paragraph under "The event"), instead of directly
   referring to MUB 140, use "the Multi-Use Building room 140 (MUB 140)"
   - "Coffee, pastries, ..." -- can we have OJ too for the non-coffee
   drinkers (like me)?  If not in the budget, I'm happy to bring myself.
   - Do you find that some folks just show up at 10am, skipping the earlier
   parts as not applying to them?
   - Use our site, which does resolve to but seems more memorable the other way.  Also
   credit CCSF Linux Users Group ( as an organizer too
   - Given the (current) short form of the day, could we:
      - shorten lunch
      - have the contribution demo during the 2nd half hour of lunch

...everyone really wants the hands-on portion of the day, so I'd rather
short change other elements.  [Will be stopping by campus tomorrow to see
if I can wrangle the longer day.]

Also, here's a copy of what I emailed out to students & faculty (this is a
post by one of our computer security faculty members):

...just providing this so we can think about which "Introductory Workshops"
to include.

Your thoughts?

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