[Campus-uw-staff] Following up on Open Source Comes to Campus Event
Ben Marwick
bmarwick at uw.edu
Wed Jan 7 01:00:39 UTC 2015
Yes, that looks right, I don't recognise all the names, but
Jonathan Griffin and Darius Jazayeri were definitely there (names are in
grey on the sheet), and Frances Hocutt and Thomas Levine, in addition to
the ones you already named.
Maybe Mako you can confirm if any of the others were there?
On 6/1/2015 4:32 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon wrote:
> Of course! Can you take a look at this mentor spreadsheet and let me
> know if you notice any inaccuracies (someone who wasn't there, someone
> missing, etc.):
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b59VlYOTmS_ABxrOy7k0Tl3iGfe_oEn_zamF9N7hIKY/edit#gid=1018049347
> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Ben Marwick <bmarwick at uw.edu
> <mailto:bmarwick at uw.edu>> wrote:
> Hi Shauna,
> Thanks, can we acknowledge our helpers also, the folks from
> off-campus orgs? I didn't get all their names, can you add them in?
> As far as I know you already have the only picture of the event.
> And thanks again for helping us put on that workshop!
> Neat etherpad-webpage editor, I haven't see htmlpad.org
> <http://htmlpad.org> before...
> Ben
> On 6/1/2015 4:23 PM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon wrote:
> Hello again!
> OpenHatch, with your help, ran 17 events this fall! Rather than
> make a
> blog post for each and every one of them, I’ve compiled a
> summary post,
> which you can view here:
> http://htmlpad.org/oh-__semester-of-events/
> <http://htmlpad.org/oh-semester-of-events/>
> Can you find UW in the list, read through the blurb, and let me
> know if
> I should change anything? You can also make changes directly
> here, if
> you prefer: http://htmlpad.org/oh-__semester-of-events/edit
> <http://htmlpad.org/oh-semester-of-events/edit>
> If there are blog posts that got written about your event,
> tweets that
> got tweeted, or feedback you got that you’d like to share, those
> can be
> added to the blurb. If you’d like to give feedback now that I
> can use
> as a quote/in the blurb, that’s great, too.
> One other thing: were there any pictures taken at your event? In my
> notes it says that there were, but I can’t find any links or
> pictures in
> my email. If they do exist, can you send/re-send them to me?
> Thanks!
> Hope you’re doing well! I’ll be sending another email shortly
> to let
> you know about changes in Open Source Comes to Campus and to
> talk about
> collaborating further in 2015.
> best,
> Shauna
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