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[Campus-uconn-staff] mentors

Pariksheet Nanda pariksheet.nanda at
Fri Oct 10 07:23:25 UTC 2014

Hi Sean,

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 4:00 AM, Sean O'Brien <sean.obrien at> wrote:
> Sadly, quite a few of the FOSS folks I knew on campus have jumped ship (last
> big advocate I knew just got a job at Red Hat).
> I'll do a little research and reaching out tomorrow, and get back to the
> list with anything promising.

There will be a lot of impact to see our alumni in FOSS careers.
Ignore my earlier comment about abandoning the career panel in the
curriculum; I think it would be wonderful if we can do this.

Can reach out to your Red Hat, etc friends for the career panel?  If
it's difficult for them to attend in person, they could attend
remotely.  Below is the e-mail template I used to send to the last
career panelist; replace the ${variables} and change everything that
needs changing.


Service as a career panelist for Open Source Workshop at UConn on
Saturday, October 18!

Hi ${friend_name},

My name is ${...}

I am a mentor for OpenHatch:  I’m helping
to run an all-day workshop event introducing students to the tools of
free/open source software on Saturday, October 18 at UConn; here is
the publicity website with the schedule and location  I was wondering if you would be
interested in helping out by volunteering on the
career panel?  ${two_sentences_about_how_awesome_your_friend_is_at_foss}

Per the schedule, the discussion is scheduled for 11:30 am to 12:00pm,
so that at lunch students would have the opportunity to approach you
with questions. Career panelists generally will be people who have
ever been funded to work on open source software.  We may include some
remote panelists, but we’re hoping to get as many in-person people as
we can get.  There's zero preparation you need to do, but if you'd
like to see how we structure the panel or some of the questions you
might be asked, you can do so here:

Please feel free to pass this along to others who you think might be
interested.  So far > 50 science and engineering students have signed
up to attend for the workshop (the classroom has space for 100).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

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