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[Campus-gmu-staff] deadline: request for workshop mentors and career panelists

Daniel Bond daniel at
Thu Oct 22 16:28:48 UTC 2015

Hello Openhatch at Mason 2014 planners!

I recognize for a couple of you this outreach is redundant, and a few
others probably don't want to bothered, but I hope you'll bear with me.

We're holding another Openhatch open source workshop *this coming
Saturday*, and just like last time will be needing open source
professionals for mentoring during workshops and discussion on the
career panel.

There was a bit of miscommunication between us and Openhatch
regarding who was going to be reaching out to whom, so hence this
*very* late email.

I understand entirely if you're not able to make it, but hope we'll hear
from you regardless.

Our mentor signup form is here:, and let
us know if you want us to @mention you from our twitter account if
you'll joining us.

Thank you again, and our apologies for reaching out this late,

Daniel and the Openhatch at Mason 2015 planning team.
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