[Campus-gmu-staff] Publicity mailings update
Shauna Gordon-McKeon
shaunagm at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 21:31:45 UTC 2014
Just emailed a ton of people re: mentoring at the event - I have high hopes
for a big group of mentors working on interesting projects. :)
re: power strips - how many power strips will be needed? I'm honestly a
little surprised that there's not a physical plant type office you can
borrow them from. We'll see what we can do.
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 10:28 AM, jrouly at masonlive.gmu.edu <
jrouly at masonlive.gmu.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Quick update on the status of publicity / outreach.
> I contacted relevant departments at Mason (around 10) to get on their
> mailing lists, and a number of people have already signed up as a result.
> More departmental mailings will probably be sent out today (I know our
> engineering school mailing list is on Mondays). I've also reached out to
> the members in the Women in Engineering group on campus, but I'm not sure
> what their status is.
> I've drafted an email to the GMU alum who runs open source at Google and
> will send that out once I get some feedback from the SRCT executive board.
> I looked into acquiring power strips, and it looks like we'll need to
> purchase our own. Is there any way OpenHatch could cover funds for this? If
> not, we can put in another funding request, but it might take up to two
> weeks for approval, and even then we might not get approved. Not sure if
> there's another way to go about obtaining them.
> Best,
> Michel
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