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[Campus-depaul-staff] next steps

Shauna Gordon-McKeon shaunagm at
Fri Sep 19 21:26:06 UTC 2014

Thanks, Sheila!

On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 1:56 PM, sheila miguez <shekay at> wrote:

> I'm replying for (2) and (3).
> 2) I haven't created a publicity website, I'll do that today. But if
> someone else does it first that is okay. I won't mind. If I have anything
> nice to add I'll make a pull request. sounds great.
> 3) I hadn't asked all of them if they want to help for the whole day. I've
> started to do that now. I'll keep track of this in the Mentors spreadsheet
> in our google drive folder.
> regards
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Shauna Gordon-McKeon <shaunagm at
> > wrote:
>> Taking a look at our Trello board (
>> we have a few steps we
>> should take soon:
>> 1) Create Budget: What our resources for this event, and what are our
>> expenses?  Expenses should be entirely or almost entirely food.  Food costs
>> are usually between $200 and $700 depending on size of event and quality of
>> food.  Massimo, were you able to get funding and, if so, how much?
>> 2) Publicity: First step is the publicity website.  Sheila, did you end
>> up making this? Either way, we'll need a short-name for the domain -- how
>> does sound to folks?  Once the site's ready and we
>> can accept sign ups, we should start publicizing.  Massimo, do you have a
>> list of clubs, departments, etc, that you think we should advertise to?
>> 3) Volunteers: Less pressing than #1 and #2, but worth working on.
>>  Sheila, you've found several people for the career panel.  Have you asked
>> any of them if they're interested in mentoring during the rest of the day?
>> best
>> Shauna
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