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[Campus-bucknell-staff] Following up on Open Source Comes to Campus Event

Shauna Gordon-McKeon shaunagm at
Tue Jan 6 23:57:15 UTC 2015

Hello again,

I'm compiling a summary blog post of this fall's Open Source Comes to
Campus events, which you can view here:

Can you find Bucknell on the list, read through the blurb, and let me know
if I should change anything?  You can also make changes directly here, if
you prefer:

One other thing: were there any pictures taken at your event?  In my notes
it says that there were, but I can’t find any links or pictures in my
email.  If they do exist, can you send/re-send them to me?  Thanks!

I hope you're doing well. I’ll be sending another email shortly to let you
know about changes in Open Source Comes to Campus and to talk about
collaborating further in 2015.  I know that the event we organized together
was smaller than we'd hoped, but I continue to believe in your ability to
create an open source community at Bucknell, even if we need to radically
rethink our approach.  :)

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