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[WFS-India] ITHI looking for working women's experiences

Debamitro Chakraborti debamitro at
Mon Mar 24 07:58:22 UTC 2014

ITHI <> is a organisation working for
working women professionals in the Indian IT industry. Feel free to write
to them for contributing data.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ithiworld . <ithiworld at>
Date: Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 6:34 PM
Subject: [itec_bangalore] Some thoughts on women's day
To: itec_bangalore at

*Hello All,*
*         Some Thoughts on International women's day by ITHI.*

"According to the data provided by the Labour  Bureau in  April 2013, the
gap between  the wages of  men and women  in  some jobs have widened in the
last few years  , For example men were paid  Rs  212  a day for
ploughing , women
were paid Rs 123;for harvesting  the wages were Rs 179 for men and Rs 149 for
women "     Women get  less salary  compared to  men ,for doing equal
amount of work.

 Let  us   look the scenario in   IT  sector, in India .

 Is  there  any discrimination  towards  women in   the wages paid    by
IT/ITES  companies.

 Does  a  female  software  engineer/BPO employee  is  paid  less  salary
compared  to  her male  colleague ?


All the major IT  companies  suppress  information about  salary structure
and they don't disclose  average  salary paid to

 employees  in different  roles. No public  data  is  available.

Standing orders Act, 1946 (a set of guidelines by Government of India to
protect employee rights)   mandated transparency and  fairness   in
employee-employer   transactions  and  relationship. But IT companies in
Bangalore, persuaded Govt of Karnataka and got an exemption from the  Law.
So, companies are not liable to disclose any data  on  employee working
conditions to  Government agencies or for public scrutiny. Nobody will come to
know the discrimination towards women ,even if it exists.

Companies may  celebrate   Women's day by distributing  pink  ribbons or
discounts  for beauty saloons, but will never be bothered to bring the real
change.  Disclose ,how much you are paying an average  IT women employee  ?
Is there any disparity between salary for men and women.

Some patterns observed: ,  men  are given  preference   in  allocating
assignment (onsite) and complex projects. Companies tend to sack Women   first,
citing performance parameters, since   women wont protest and they will
keep quiet.  Share  your experience,  thoughts and views  to :
*ithiworld at
<ithiworld at>*

Mob: 9916595996
Group mail : forumforithi at
Admin mail : ithiworld at
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