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[OH-Publicity] Proposed Boston Python Workshop website

Asheesh Laroia lists at
Tue Oct 25 16:43:07 UTC 2011

Excerpts from Asheesh Laroia's message of Wed Oct 19 16:24:45 -0400 2011:
> Hello folks!
> I made a draft version of a Boston Python Workshop website. Here it is:
> (source here: )

Last night, Jessica and I had time to talk about it. Here are some
action items.

* we want to replace the image on the front with a different photo

* we want to make sure that when you look at the front page,
  your eye is drawn to the central information (photo/text)

* Replace front big text with: "We empower women of all backgrounds to learn practical programming in a beginner-friendly environment."

* don't use the word hack on the events page (suggestion: s/open hack session/where you can continue practicing and learning/)

* instead of archiving information from previous events on this site, we could use a page on the wiki that was clearly labeled as an archive page

on the sponsors page:

* rename the page "sponsorship"

* we could use the word professional less often

on the about page:

* move the results section a little higher

* if we need to keep talking about the history and the people who started it, we can move that to a section below results
  (Jessica feels that we don't need to even mention them anyway)

* Jessica does not need a shout out that says that she's the leading organizer

on the events page:

* do not need to say that the upcoming event is number five

* s/We don't have a signup/When we have a signup/

* we can link the past event information section to a new archive page

* the link to join the Boston Python user group could look more like a button

press page:

* it would be nice to have an embedded Flickr photo browser

* Jessica can tag photos that she thinks would be appropriate to appear here

the run your own page:

* it would be nice if we showed the logos of the efforts that we inspired

domain name:

* Asheesh wants to use for now, and Jessica says sure

I will work on implementing these changes today.

-- Asheesh.

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